Gate keys are going for anywhere from a few hundred dollars to $10,000 (offered) for the Gate Key to Jim McAllen's ranch. McAllen uses one of those fancy microchip controlled locks, and tries to keep the runners off his place.
FBI is keeping it's eyes out for Basic Well Services trucks, and, to a lesser extent, Key trucks. Not necessarily the real ones, but perfect knock-offs if not.
Everyone wants a job as a gate guard... great way to make $1,000 per entry... or an oilfield driver with little tight management. Rio Grande City is the hub for this activity.
Guatemalan "Kaiba" runners with AK-47 are now boldly escorting groups of "poorly-document work seekers" carrying drugs across South Texas ranches. Seems the local Mexican Military escorts were charging $2,000 per person for a day's worth of escort duty. The Mexican government is cracking down, and Guatemalans have taken up the slack, willing to work for only $400.00 per day. Maybe the PDR can make this a big issue come elections... they are exporting jobs "down south" so it seems.
The threat of violence is prevalent, and people are adjusting to how to deal with it. Read "appease those that might kill you". They still hate the oil companies, who actually pay for access and damages, can get sued, and pay people in dollars that will not send them to prison, and don't injure and kill folk. Funny how effective real fear is in shutting people up.