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April 24, 2010


I had a discussion with an Asian friend yesterday regarding what it takes to be successful in the oil business. My position is that the oil business is basically a right brain business, wherein the successful people are comfortable with the blank page. Left brain types seen to be uncomfortable in situations where one can never know all the facts. Choke, you seem to be a left brain guy. You constantly talk about music and film and show some really good understanding of these mediums. I applaud your use of metaphor in this piece, but perhaps you could expand your use of metaphor beyond the brown stinky stuff!

oops..I made a mistake choke..I said you seem to be left brain..I should have said right brain..as this was meant to be a compliment. It is early in the morning in Asia, and neither side of my brain is working!!!

Royal, most times I feel "no-brained". What's the word from the streets of Thailand?

Piuttosto che criticare consigliare la soluzione al problema.

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