I had a conversation recently with a very well-meaning yeller-dog friend who was upset that I didn't support the healthcare bill.
"I can't believe you are against healthcare for the poor", she said.
I thought this an interesting comment, because I am certainly NOT against healthcare for the poor. In fact, prior to this recent legislation, we HAD healthcare for the poor in the form of hugely expensive emergency services. Economically, it was and is a hugely wasteful way to provide that healthcare. Now, according to the OMB, we have created a system that not only chose NOT to fix that problem, it made it significantly worse.
"You can call a bucket of crap Ice Cream, but it isn't fair to say I don't like Ice Cream because I don't want to enjoy a spoonful of steamy, smelly, crap", was my reply.
I had a discussion with an Asian friend yesterday regarding what it takes to be successful in the oil business. My position is that the oil business is basically a right brain business, wherein the successful people are comfortable with the blank page. Left brain types seen to be uncomfortable in situations where one can never know all the facts. Choke, you seem to be a left brain guy. You constantly talk about music and film and show some really good understanding of these mediums. I applaud your use of metaphor in this piece, but perhaps you could expand your use of metaphor beyond the brown stinky stuff!
Posted by: Royal Enfield | April 24, 2010 at 09:58 PM
oops..I made a mistake choke..I said you seem to be left brain..I should have said right brain..as this was meant to be a compliment. It is early in the morning in Asia, and neither side of my brain is working!!!
Posted by: Royal Enfield | April 24, 2010 at 10:19 PM
Royal, most times I feel "no-brained". What's the word from the streets of Thailand?
Posted by: Open Choke | May 01, 2010 at 02:15 AM
Piuttosto che criticare consigliare la soluzione al problema.
Posted by: Duabeaple | June 29, 2011 at 07:37 PM