There are some outstanding blogs focusing on the various Unconventional Resources out there, such as, but, as a duty to my sponsors, and also because I really like it, Drilling Info has released a series of blogs focusing on various unconventional plays. is just one.
They summarize interesting things they see and often summarize results from their Unconventional Play Platform, which itself is evolving from a stand-alone Barnett Shale Play Platform. I got this to help me look at getting into the Barnett in clever ways, and you can't imagine my surprise and delight when they started expanding it to cover several other plays in the US. Apparently, they plan on making it a GLOBAL platform using information from their International division!
In any case, it is something quite different than anything I was used to. It was data, updated monthly, and the queries were already generated and subsettable, and the data cleaned and interpreted by engineers, geologists, and analysts. Most importantly, it isn't just a report, it is an evolving system that attempts to grade drilled and undrilled acreage, identify emerging best practices, quantify results, and, according to Heather Curry, Drilling Info's Energy Strategy Partner's Director (the group that maintains this), develop towards ranking play to play economic viability on a granularity to the drillsite level. And she said they weren't raising my price. Wow.
In any case, I have the basic application, which is accessed through a Spotfire web player. Apparently, you can additionally add access to the Spotfire source files as they are updated monthly and access much of the data in ARC SDE format as well.
Not to sound too much like a commercial, this is the real benefit for me as a columnist for Drilling info. They show me all the stuff they roll out. If you haven't used it lately, you really haven't used it. I got locked into using it a certain way a few years back when I got it, and didn't realize the real power that has been added to it. The webinars are outstanding... free and many pre-recorded.
Oh well. So much for the commercial break, although I REALLY don't mind doing it!
Happy Easter!
Amazing post.. I like this very much and very interesting too.
Posted by: uk.superiorpapers custom essays | June 05, 2012 at 12:26 PM