Once again, NPR had a story that highlighted how different We Texans are from Them Easterners. The story was a funny one... a wild turkey, nicknamed Tom, running wild with a pack of other feral turkeys, terrorizing the denizens of Martha's Vineyard.
The story had lots of funny anecdotes of people running to their cars with brooms to fight off the fowl-tempered toms, and their great relief when the local police shot the alpha male.
"I was really happy when he was killed," said one. "I was worried that my dislike was misplaced. I was so relieved that others felt violated when attacked by the birds".
I garrronnteee that this NPR episode could NOT have been produced in Louisiana, Texas, or Oklahoma. I am sure no one would have worried about their potentially "misplaced" dislike of a turkey that attacked them.
Those turkeys would be dead pretty quickly around here, without regard to the clearly yankeefied law that protects those Vineyard Wild Turkeys. Vineyard Turkey Haven, indeed!
That article struck me as funny, too. How 'bout the guy that took his golf club to the car in order to protect himself from the turkey. In my world, that happens exactly once. What was he doing with the golf club?
You know what I call a turkey that attacks me at my door? Free delivery!
Posted by: Randall | December 04, 2011 at 04:56 PM
Reminds me that I need to clean my shotgun before I get my Christmas bird.
Posted by: Tom Morgan | December 05, 2011 at 10:32 AM
My concern was that the Haars, the so called "owners" of the turkey, still have no clue that they were the problem the entire time.
You feed wild animals you get animals with no fear of humans, animals that sooner or later are going to die at the hand of a human. I'm surprised nobody killed it before, considering all the problems they had with it.
Posted by: Mike | December 12, 2011 at 04:52 PM
actually not all northeners are sissified liberals. I'm from western PA. Grew up hunting turkey, deer and beer as big game. I'd just have had an early start on my thanksgiving bird.
Posted by: scoot | February 16, 2012 at 12:32 PM
what's happened to the author? No articles since early December.
Posted by: Stanton Chapman | March 22, 2012 at 06:00 AM
Yes Stanton, it is strange that choke left the blog without putting his readers on notice. I hope nothing bad has happened.
Posted by: Royal Enfield | April 16, 2012 at 03:02 PM
Royal - I'm with you. Hope Choke is ok.
Posted by: Tex Dinero | April 17, 2012 at 03:33 PM
Try out this Blog as an alternative...at least until choke surfaces:
Posted by: Royal Enfield | April 23, 2012 at 03:37 PM
Thanks, Royal. I'll check it out.
Posted by: Tex Dinero | April 25, 2012 at 12:19 PM